Board of Directors Approved 06/07/01


May 3, 2001

Present: Chesarek, Gemmer, Fell, Bond, Koch, Olsen, Anthony, Brooks,

French, Forristall, Capozzo, Sottana

Excused: Varady

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Minutes of April 5, 2001

Anthony motioned to approve the minutes, Fell seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report


Membership Sales & Notations

Prospective Member Pehanick: Fell motioned to approve, Brooks seconded. The

motion carried.

Prospective Member Spiller: Olsen motioned to approve, Gemmer seconded. The

motion carried.

Prospective Member Balint: Gemmer motioned to approve, Fell seconded. The

motion carried.

The Board of Directors took note of three Notice To Sell forms and six

reductions in the selling price of memberships. All will be effective for

sale May 4, 2001.


Greens: All greens have been aerated, call boxes on #1 and #10 tee to the

Golf Pro Shop are expected anytime. The Oak tree at the children's play yard

will be removed. Brooks suggested that the maintenance crew reschedule some

of their hours to afternoons and evenings when the course is not as crowded.

The purpose is for the crew to avoid waiting for golfers to finish play

before they can continue their tasks.

Golf: "Cart Path Only" signs for all par 3 's are being discussed to inform

members of this rule.

Olsen suggested to have seasonal rule reminders in the KEY.

Outside Tournament Deposits: The Board of Directors is requesting the Golf

Committee's recommendation on outside tournament deposits, payment date, and

cancellation fees.

House: All foyer furniture has arrived, and a large table for the Terrace

Atrium will be delivered soon. A special meeting was held with an interior

decorator for ideas in the Ballroom and Terrace.

Membership: The committee is discussing a promotional letter to send to 50-75

individuals with an invitation to a Sunday brunch. Transfer of membership to

a son or daughter is being reviewed by the Club's attorney.

F&B/Social: A casual dinner dance is scheduled for Friday, June 15, 2001. A

New Year's Eve band has been selected. The committee would like to change

the name, theme and date of the Sweetheart's Ball for 2002.

B&G: The two 5 ton A/C units have been installed in Terrace. Re-plastering

the pool has been completed. Replacing the area between the deck and ledge

of the pool will be scheduled at the end of the pool season. The pool is

expected to open May 12.

Pool: The committee requested that non members fees be increased for the 2001

swim team and swim lessons. The prices were increased.

Old & New Business

Tennis Memberships: Brooks suggested that the Board of Directors consider a

tennis class of membership. The Board referred this request to the

membership committee.

Dice Playing: The Board of Directors has adopted a new policy of no dice play

in the Terrace or Main Bar during dinner hours.


Golf Carts: Fell motioned that a flyer be placed in the June 2001 KEY stating

the Club's policy that all cart drivers must have a valid drivers license.

Children cannot drive carts on Club property. Brooks seconded the motion.

The motion carried.

USGA Senior Open Qualifying: The Golf Committee requested to host the "Last

Tour" event which would consolidate most of the U.S. Senior practice rounds

and generate extra income for the Club. This event will be held on June 7,

2001. Anthony motioned to approve, Olsen seconded. The motion carried.

C.I.F.: Koch motioned to suspend the $25.00 C.I.F. dues beginning June 2001

through the end of the year. Gemmer seconded. The motion was tabled until

the June Board of Directors meeting as they would like a recommendation from

the finance committee.

Vallejo Police Activity League: Everingham requested a foursome of golf

including carts as a raffle prize for a tournament held on May 7, 2001. Koch

motioned to approve, Bond seconded. The motion carried. Olsen opposed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Jeff Olsen, Secretary